Thursday, May 15, 2008

More Thanks

So much for my attempts to get better or at least more regular with blogging. Ever once in a while I am driven to blog, and now is the time! There are some people I need to acknowledge for their contributions to Clean Water for the World. David Jackson works for a company called J.O. Galloup. They sell plumbing to big industry. When he read of the formation of our organization, he attempted to contact me. I was busy and thought I would be dealing with a guy that just wanted to sell me stuff. He made several other attempts to contact me, and I just blew him off. But, I neeeded to buy some solenoids so I went to J.O Galloup. Behind the counter was a BIG guy, no hair, earring in his ear. He looked like some old biker type. Not one you would peg as a softie. When he found out what I was up to he introduced himself. He has been a tremendous asset, helping me resolve several issues and getting stuff we needed. After i bought our first batch of solenoids I asked Ed Huss, a board member and procurement specialist to get me a price on the same solenoids. Ed came back with a price nearly double what I had paid. Turns out that that big biker type has a soft heart. He was giving us a very good price. Just can't tell a book by it's cover! Thanks Dave!

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